Thank you for joining us again for our 69th year of the High School Design Competition.
This year's project is the design of a new Polish Cultural Center (PCC). The new cultural center will be in Toledo, Ohio near the intersection of Mott Avenue and Graham Street in the area known as Marina District II and is located across the street from planned mixed-use multifamily housing and Toledo Metropark development in the Marina District along the Maumee River. The PCC will serve two main purposes; first, it will be a physical gathering place for the public at large for fellowship and special events, especially those events involving different local Polish organizations and; second, it will be the cultural hub for the local Polish community to relive and preserve its heritage and traditions with museum and archive spaces. The new cultural center will encourage and engage future, younger generations of Poles as well as educate the community.
Good Luck and feel free to contact the committee with questions or clarifications.
The project scope engages local Polish organizations and includes space for the Polish Genealogical Society, which will have a large library and research center for storage of old documents along with high speed internet connectivity for ancestry research. The scope also includes a large area for a banquet hall that will seat approximately 250 people, hosting an array of events such as dances or performances and practices by the Echoes of Poland dance troupe. A smaller lounge area will be used for small informal gatherings such as watching a Polish soccer game or fellowship. Other spaces in the center will be utilized as meetings and displays of local cultural and historical exhibits that showcase the history of Polish people in northwest Ohio.
This year, awards will be given for architectural design as sponsored by AIAT, Emerging Professional Material Innovation Award, Sustainable Architecture, and digital media as sponsored by BGSU. In addition, Lawrence Technological University (LTU) and The University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) are generously offering tuition scholarship awards to Senior, Junior, & Sophomore/Freshman level award winners who attend their university. The design awards banquet will be held in April 2019 and the winning students will be invited to an architectural tour / field trip in May. Student entries will be due date on March 21, 2019.
See the full program below for more details, requirements and design awards.
AutoCAD Download-includes site plan in model space
*Some corrections have been clouded to identify changes made to the document since issuance to the teachers.
- Due date is THURSDAY, March 21st
- The Freezer/Cooler description has been updated to be space for a walk-in freezer/cooler area.
- The 2 required offices are designated for the head chef and director.
- Additional parking is not a required portion of this program. Students can add additional parking if they think it will improve the connectivity between existing parking locations and the new structure.
Good Luck and feel free to contact the committee with questions or clarifications.